Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Drama of the Gifted Child The Search for the True Self Free Essay Example, 1250 words

A sense of isolation affects the adult who had a traumatized childhood to develop a defense mechanism. They alienate themselves from some evens and always feel safe in certain groups as was the case of the ‘loyal Slave’ (Miller, 2007 Pg 59). The natural self identification process that child is normally content with is what a traumatized child will lack growing up. a normal child is guided by taboos and parents guidance but for the traumatized child he will be guided by a feel of revenge(Miller, 2007). Question 3 The healing may be difficult patient and commitment is what is needed. But the other suggests that the only help one can get is by overcoming his past fear. Their notion about life has to change a childhood perception replace. The obstacles in life have to be overcome by replacing the patient superego with reality and an attitude to accept others (Miller, 2007 Pg 102). Correcting a patient’s fate may be hard to change but the healing process should involve the victim perception and reasoning towards their recovery be expressed in order to avoid Correcting a patient’s fate may be hard to change but the healing process should involve the victim perception and reasoning towards their recovery be expressed in order to avoid their childhood feelings of depression, emptiness and self- alienated that despises life affecting their parenthood future. The nature of abuse may vary and the effect on the psyche of those affected usually takes a while before they register full recove ry. We will write a custom essay sample on The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The person victimized should create an atmosphere where their children should not feel victimized. The acceptations of the inner sensation are what will be used to evaluate the healing process. Loving and friendly new environments are what will gauge the patients healing process. Miller (2007), states that emotional acceptance is important as it reduces the levels of illusions that prevents the affected parties from healing. Question 4 The childhood atrocities are not reversible as they occur at an earlier age of their lives. They do hunt them to their adulthood and affect their lives. Those involved in their traumatizing events usually form part of their lives. They include their parents and immediate families, the process of self identification occurs later on in life but the past always affects the way the persons involved think and at. Miller (2007) expresses how the parents exposes a child to loneliness and wonders if at all the process will ever be overcome. The continued ignorance by parents usually affects this irreversible trauma an individual is exposed to while still a child.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Media Analysis Essay - 864 Words

Natasha DeBoard CWV-101 June 27, 2013 Daniel Diffey Media Worldview Analysis I have chosen the movie Signs to do my worldview analysis on. First, I will discuss the worldviews that the main characters in the movie have. I will then answer the question of if the characters were true to their worldviews. I will also discuss the obstacles that the main characters faced that deterred the character or characters from living out their worldview. Lastly, I will describe mental, emotional, or spiritual reactions I had to the movie as well as explain if I agree or disagree with the worldview present in the movie. I will start by saying that the main character had a Christian worldview but in the beginning of the movie, due to a tragedy in†¦show more content†¦When his son started having his asthma attack he went back to praying and asked God to please not take his son away to. Graham then got his faith back from this experience with his son. After this experience Graham continues to pray in response to the alien spraying the poison gas in his sons face as well as that the inhaler and shot help him pull through. At the end of the movie it shows that Graham goes back to being a priest and starts living out his Christian worldview again. With that being said, I will now discuss the obstacle in the main character, Graham’s, life that caused him to avoid staying true to his Christian worldview. This obstacle was the loss of his wife. The death of Graham’s wife was not only hard for him because he lost her but because of how traumatic the accident was. This caused Graham to g ive up on his Christian faith and not believe in God at all. After the accident Graham stopped being a priest and stopped praying as well. This is why I know that it was the loss of his wife in particular that caused Graham to stop living out his Christian worldview. Lastly, I will now discuss the emotional, mental, and spiritual reactions I personally had about the movie. I felt very saddened over the loss of Graham’s wife because I could not even begin to know how awful it would be to lose a spouse. I also found it very sad to watch the children deal with the loss of their mother. The moment at the dinnerShow MoreRelatedEssay on Media Analysis5267 Words   |  22 PagesMedia Analysis ‘Media’ is the plural of the word ‘medium’, which often refers to different ways of communicating with other people; if the target is a large number of people, then it is called ‘mass media’. There are many types of media, such as TV, radio, films, newspaper, Internet etc. The main purpose of media is to entertain; however they can also be used to persuade, inform, explain and advice. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

An Example of a Great Classification Essay Free Essays

My iTunes Library and How It Defines Me â€Å"New York is more than a tan that you’ll never lose,† this quote is by Lady Gaga, who is one of my favorite singers. Quotes like these are unique. This quote shares uniqueness with the music I listen to, which defines me and my personality. We will write a custom essay sample on An Example of a Great Classification Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now I consider myself to be a very unusual and colorful character. Anyone who didn’t know me should be able to figure out my personality just from listening to the music I own. This is primarily because I listen to a variety of genres when it comes to music. The genres that dominate my â€Å"Top 25 Most Played† playlist are: pop, alternative, electronic, hip-hop, and jazz. Pop music for me isn’t just a genre, it’s a lifestyle. Pop is basically the soundtrack to my life. Whether it’s a night out on the town with my closest friends, recovering from a bad break-up, or needing some encouragement after a rough day; there’s a pop song to be played. And with my iTunes library, there’s never a shortage in pop music. Roughly 60 percent of the 1500 songs in my music library are all pop. The most popular artists I listen to in this genre are: Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Maroon 5, Lady GaGa and Ke$ha. Each of these artists has a different â€Å"persona† when it comes to pop music. Miley Cyrus is the rebellious teen who just wants to have a good time. Some of her songs feature heavy processed vocals, while in other ballads, she shows off those pipes that made her famous. Britney Spears is the pop queen of my generation. She shouldn’t necessarily be classified as a singer because she’s more of a performer. Britney plays the â€Å"Good Girl Gone Bad† role perfectly and she has let us know this since she sang her most infamous lyric â€Å"I’m not that innocent! † Demi and Selena are the pop princesses next door. They never sing anything too risque. Maroon 5 is more of pop-rock, and their music is for one of those rainy days when I’m sad. Ke$ha and Lady GaGa deserve their own branch of pop music because their songs are so exotic compared to other artists. Ke$ha is all about glitter, drugs, and partying. I’m certain every single one of her songs mentions glitter or alcohol. She also â€Å"wakes up in the morning feelin’ like P-Diddy† according to her hit single â€Å"Tik-Tok. † How a Caucasian female can wake up in the morning feeling like an African American male baffles me. Lady GaGa is probably the most talked about pop artist. She manages to out-weird herself at every award show. GaGa is all about accepting one’s self, and singing about topics one would not normally sing about. Topics such as but not limited to: sex, money, homosexuality, rebelliousness, colorful hair, religion, and alcohol have all made appearances in one of GaGa’s hit singles. These ladies are all unique in their own way and they make up the reasons why I love pop music. Alternative or â€Å"Indie† music is for the hipster inside of me. It’s music that can express feelings or emotions that I can’t quite explain. My all-time favorite alternative artist is Florence and The Machine. Her haunting voice looms over every track she sings and it’s truly mesmerizing. My favorite song by Florence is â€Å"What the Water Gave Me† from her latest album Ceremonials. Another band that I feel like belongs in this genre is Fleetwood Mac. Of course, anyone who is superior to me in age may question what I know about Fleetwood Mac. I consider Rumours one of my favorite albums of all time as well as one of the greatest albums ever. â€Å"I Don’t Wanna Know†, â€Å"Dreams†, â€Å"Go Your Own Way†, and â€Å"Songbird† are the standout tracks on this album. Alternative music takes up about 20 percent of my iTunes library. It’s definitely the genre I listen to when I feel like nothing else quite explains what I’m feeling. Electronic music really serves only one purpose in just about anyone’s life: to give them something to dance to. This particular genre of music is mastered by DJ’s who often remix pop or hip-hop songs to their tastes. My favorite DJ is the Frenchman David Guetta. He often produces music for several pop artists and releases the songs on his own compilation album. Electronic music also has a sub-genre that has gained notable fame as of late, Dub-step. Dub-step features heavy bass and synthesizers that make the listener want to contort their body in the strangest fashion. This genre came from Europe and was popularized by Britney Spears in America with her comeback single â€Å"Hold It Against Me. † Electronic and dub-step are also much more popular in Europe than they are in America. I feel like this adds charm to my strange library of music. A rather small amount of charm I might add. I’m rather finicky when it comes to this genre so I only have a few songs in this category. Hip-hop for many members in the local community is a lifestyle. For me, it’s something to listen to when I feel narcissistic. This genre takes up a smaller portion of my iTunes Library because I don’t agree with it all of the time. Hip-hops all about being better than everyone else; and by better I mean being hotter, richer, or more talented than the competition. Some notable artists in this genre that I like are: Mac Miller, Beyonce, Kelly Rowland, and Nicki Minaj. Mac Miller is a relatively new artist in this genre. His first studio album actually came out a week ago. However, his lyrics amuse me and he always has a rather swell beat. Beyonce and Kelly Rowland are the same type of artist. This should not come as a shock considering they both got their start in they girl group Destiny’s Child. They are both all about over-sexualizing one’s self and dancing around in skimpy outfits. Beyonce has branched away from that with her latest album 4 which has more of a soul vibe to it. Nicki Minaj is probably the Lady GaGa of hip-hop. She’s very strange. She raps amazingly fast and takes on several alter-egos as she performs. One of this alter-egos is â€Å"Roman. † Roman speaks in a very deep voice and yells profane things often. He can be heard on Nicki’s single â€Å"Roman’s Revenge. † Jazz music is literally music for the soul. It’s music that when you listen to it, you can feel the singers despair, ecstasy, or remorse. The genre takes its roots in the diverse city of New Orleans so it’s only fitting that I represent my home state with some jazz. The only artist that dominates my most played list in this genre is Amy Winehouse. She had a rather tragic life. Her career was often overshadowed by her troublesome addictions that she eventually succumbed to and ended up losing her life over. However, Amy’s talent shouldn’t be forgotten. She was a singer with remarkably talent. Whenever I listen to her smash record Back to Black I almost feel as if I’ve entered her world and can feel her sorrows. To me, that’s what jazz music is all about. The diverse range of music I listen to represents the unusual character that I am. Pop music represents the fun side to me; alternative music represents the more intelligent side of me; electronic music represents the inner party animal that dwells within; Hip-hop represents the part of me that doesn’t care about others opinions; while jazz represents that part of me that’s unpredictable. All of these genres reside in my iTunes library and that library paints the picture of me. How to cite An Example of a Great Classification Essay, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

International Convention Interpretation Law

Question: Discuss about the International Convention Interpretation Law. Answer: Introduction: In this case, there was an agreement between shipping lines for a timetabled transport of containers across the Atlantic between the Northern Europe and the United States about the restrictions that were formulated which were prohibiting an agreement between ship owners which was fixing the price on transport services and the transport capacity system. The applicants of the case wanted the court to nullify the terms of the contract as it was infringing on the rights to fair competition. They presented their facts basing on article 85 of the EC treaty by then. The applicant wanted the annulment of the commissions decision on (EC) 94-980 which was prohibiting the ship owners from fixing the price on their goods and carriage capacity on the programmer that involved the shipping of the containers across the Atlantic Ocean. For an agreement to be effective between Member States there is a requirement that it should meet the requirement of possible foreseeing of a sufficient degree of probability and should also be in line with the objective factor and the law that it has influence in direct or indirect, influential or perpetual. An agreement between the Member States was likely to affect the trade that was going on between them and the defendants choice to conduct a contract that was not in favor of the applicant lead to the issue as the defendants fact were that they did not meet the thresh hold that are stated in article 85(1) of the treaty which is now article 81(1)EC. Which states that the decisions that are made in a contract for trade between member state is likely to affect all of the member states? The agreement was also likely to cause changes that affected the applicants negatively as they were to lose their market area and business if it was to be implemented. Article 85 (1) of the Treaty which is now article 81(1) EC provides that a provision derogating in an exempting regulation must by their nature be strictly interpreted. This applies to the provision that relates to the maritime transport by virtue as its duration is restricted. The possibility of the applicants being able to fix different prices was that they could make it possible to attract different customers into the shipping lines which would be good for their business and the agreement was prohibiting them from doing so. The applicants were basing their facts pursuant to section 173 of the Treaty which is now Article 230 EC. The court reviewed the issue was whether the defendant were misusing their power. The court held that the commission was not supposed to dictate individuals shipping lines unless the parties agree to it and follow the rule in which in this case the applicants did not. The commission limited themselves by applying article 85(3) of the treaty. The argument of the applicants qualified on the exception that was written under Article 12 of regulation No 4056/86. Conclusion The court held that the provisions of an agreement between the shipping lines of the applicant and the defendant were supposed to inform the customers to whom they had concluded contracts with. Failure to do so infringed the treatys competition rules. The court concluded that the commissions decision requiring the applicants to make their customers have a right to renegotiate their agreement was lacking sufficient reasoning for them to make the applicants to follow the contract and amend it with the new rules. References Competition-Agreements, decision and concerned practices-effect on trade between members of states-criteria (EC Treaty, art, 85(1))(now Art.81(1) EC)) Competition-Maritime transport-Regulation No 4056/86-Block exemption-Scope (Council Regulation No 4056/86, Art,3) Common law Definitions- Interpretation-Definition taken from international convention-interpretation with regard to the convention EC, Treaty art.85 (1) now article 81(1) EC: council regulation No 1017/68 Art 11 EC and No 4056/86, Art 11.Oxford University Press Amazon