Friday, February 28, 2020

Corporate Governance in Financial Services Essay

Corporate Governance in Financial Services - Essay Example The board of directors stands at the top of the organizational hierarchy. The role and responsibility played by the board act in the best interest of all stakeholders. This means that the board is the highest body that represents the interests of all the stakeholders in an organization. In the banking sector, the board of directors plays more or less the same role and responsibility. Specifically, the board supervises, monitors, and controls corporate officers, and also handles major decisions that relate to organizational operations. In the light of corporate governance, board effectiveness is critical both in the short run and long run. The subject of board effectiveness in corporate governance is provided for by the Combined Code on Corporate governance. Bank failure and the subsequent financial crisis in the UK can be explained through boards’ failure to be effective and efficient. Monitoring of executives in the banking sector was poor in the period preceding banking crisis in the UK. Many boards in the sector failed to discharge their duties and responsibilities accordingly. The implication was that banks were caught unaware of the underlying risks of poor board management. The board of directors sets strategic aims, provides entrepreneurial leadership, ensure understanding and realization of organizational obligations to stakeholders, and reviews/manages organizational performance (Adams, 2003, p.723). These aspects of the board’s role were poorly discharged and managed, resulting in failed corporate governance practices. UK banks were adversely affected by this failure due to the fact that they failed to realize the underlying risks of poorly managed and governed corporates.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock - Essay Example This song has a speaker just like any other literature. Prufrock is the speaker who effectively addresses a potential lover. He would force the moment to its crisis by hurriedly consummating their relationship, â€Å"Let us go then, ......... Like a patient etherized ......................; The muttering retreats .......................," (Eliot 1). He then eavesdrops what people are saying about him and changes his decision and heart. This makes him to coward back and also reminds him of so much knowledge he has in life and not to "dare," (Eliot 40) mess it up. J. Alfred Prufrock love song is an anguish of an urban or modern man, stroke with a mixture of feelings. These feelings are the ones that best give the tone of the entire song. The tone of the song is loving and desperate at some point. The song is a mixture of emotions. The loving emotion is shown when Prufrock says," Let us go then, you and I" (Eliot 1). This tone is vivid throughout the song and helps bring out the speakers characteristic of being loving. The tone of despair also comes out very strongly. Especially when the speaker realizes that he might lose something that he has been holding on for some good time in memorial. When he says, â€Å"And indeed there will be time to wonder, "Do I dare?" and, "Do I dare?" .Time to turn back and descend the stair, with a bald spot in the middle of my hair† (Eliot 4). The tone also helps in bringing out the speaker’s character that is not expressly brought out in the song.                              This love song is a literary drama that contains the dramatic monolog . This is brought out by the specific utterances of a specific individual, not within the song at a specific moment in time. This is shown by, [They will say: "How his hair is growing thin!"] and [They will say: "But how his arms and legs are thin!"], (Eliot 4). These monologue utterances are also directed to the